Professional intelligent Operation 360 Degree Photobooth Slow Motion
Put your guests at the center of the universe and create 360 degree videos. Guests stand on the platform and a camera mounted to a rotating arm captures your guests in 360 degree slow motion. Guests can cut a rug, pose, or be creativ as they want while our 360 Booth captures every frame from a rotating 360 degree angle and creates a high resolution video or GIF for guests to share instantly. Let our rotating camera of 360 Video Booth capture every move that is busted and pose that is struck at your event!
Getting Fun
Get as many friends engaged in the fun with the 360X Booth. The branded anti-slip platform can support up to four guests at once. Enhance the 360 experience to it’s highest level of creativity with props and ideas to record fun memories!

The 360 Photo Booth is our hottest and newest Photo Booth that your guests will be speaking about in 2020 .Because there is nothing like this beast in this area and it will make it’s name well known in the your City!
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